
Using Formative Assessment Data to Guide Staff Instruction

As a CTE administrator, assessment for learning takes as much precedence as assessment of learning. In this course, participants will find turnkey tasks and content that will help teachers of CTE courses determine the difference between the two types of assessment and then dig into methodologies for implementing assessment for learning at a greater depth in the classroom. Participants will gain strategies for helping teachers implement this type of assessment in the classroom in a meaningful way and use data from formative assessments to move students and their learning forward.

Understand the difference between summative and formative assessment.
Determine impact of formative assessment on classroom instruction.
Configure methods to collect and examine formative assessment work by students.
Identify components of effective feedback and practice scripting it for learning and growth in students.

About the Instructor:
Stacey Eger-Converse currently serves as the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Chief Diversity Officer at Watertown City School District. For the last five years, she has been in this position. Previous to that, she served as Elementary Principal at Brewerton Elementary for one year and a Professional Development Specialist and Supervisor at Jefferson-Lewis BOCES for four years. As a Professional Development Specialist at BOCES, she worked with component districts and CTE staff on instructional strategies, assessment design, data-driven instruction, and completed several curriculum audits. She also was a middle school English teacher at Lowville Academy for five years. Stacey has degrees from Fordham University (B.A.; M.S.Ed.), SUNY New Paltz (MAT); SUNY Oswego (CAS); and is starting her doctoral work in Educational Leadership (Ed.D.) at University of North Dakota. You can find her on Linked In at

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Stacey Eger-Converse
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