Attracting, Developing, and Retaining Outstanding CTE Teachers

The Research and Strategies that Will Help You Find, Grow and Keep CTE Educators

Instructed by Jeremy Abarno

Length: 6 hours

Format: Text, recorded videos, slides, and interactive handouts in the form of Word and Google Documents

Course Description

This course shares explicit strategies for talent acquisition, development and retention and includes 4 modules:
-Recruitment Marketing - Strategies For Attracting Top CTE Talent
-Equitable, Rigorous, and Cultivating CTE Teacher Selection
-High Impact Induction for CTE Teachers
-Differentiated CTE Teacher Retention

In Module 1, participants will learn to leverage their school’s unique value proposition to develop strategies for recruiting top talent. They will also learn two specific recruitment marketing strategies: staff referrals and direct outreach.

In Module 2, participants will learn to design selection processes that are low-bias, highly rigorous but quick and cultivating. They will also learn to adapt resources that help make the hiring process rigorous, and low bias but also inviting and positive.

In Module 3, participants will learn strategies for all three phases of teacher induction (pre-boarding, orientation, and the first 90 days) that will enhance their onboarding program.

In Module 4, participants will understand the impact of losing irreplaceable teachers and learn practical strategies to ensure that they retain their best.

What are the requirements?

This course is meant for administrators or staff who are involved in talent acquisition and management at their school or in the schools they support.

What am I going to get from this course?

Participants will learn talent acquisition and management strategies that are based on research and best practices in the field.

Who is this course for?


About the Instructor

Profile Picture
Jeremy Abarno
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