Coaching for Instructional Excellence

Instructed by Sherry St Clair

Length: 3.5 hours

Format: videos, articles/text to read, self-assessment, and more

Course Description

Instructional coaching can be a powerful tool to enhance the instruction in a CTE classroom. Through this course, participants will examine the importance of instructional coaching and explore ways to successfully implement instructional coaching in their schools. Participants will deepen their understanding of how to conduct meaningful classroom walkthroughs followed by targeted and impactful feedback in order to respectfully support educators as they strive to provide effective instruction to best meet the needs of their students.

What are the requirements?

CTE subject knowledge, understanding of general purpose of instructional leadership.

What am I going to get from this course?

Participants will learn how to effectively design a plan for effective instructional coaching in their school.

What are the objectives of this course?

* Understand the importance of instructional coaching
* Explore methods to hear the voice of all stakeholders
*Build a deeper knowledge of coaching skills to respectfully support all teachers.
* Strengthen the ability to have impactful instructional conversations with teachers

Who is this course for?

CTE Instructional Coaches

Learning Journey

About the Instructor

Profile Picture
Sherry St Clair
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